Empeld plugin documentation.
pluginbase.Attributes Namespace Reference


class  AuthoredAttribute
 Abstract common attribute to define something as being authored by someone More...
class  BlockAttribute
 This class describes a block type provided by the plugin More...
class  BooCompatibilityAttribute
class  ConfigAttribute
 Attribute that designates a configuration setting is needed for a specific plugin or component of the plugin More...
class  EmpeldGameAttribute
 Assembly attribute to describe a preset game mode More...
class  EmpeldPluginAttribute
 Attribute to specify an assembly is a plugin (rather than a dependency) More...
class  EnvironmentAttribute
 Attribute that identifies a class as an Environment Must be on an IEnvironment More...
class  ExperimentalAttribute
class  GameContextAttribute
 Game controller attribute to specify game-control classes More...
class  PersistAttribute
 Attribute to denote an item on a component, entity, or otherwise, as persisting to file More...
class  RankedAttribute
 An attribute used as a base-class for other attributes More...
class  ThreadSafeAttribute
 Denotes a given method as being thread-safe (Callable from multiple threads) More...
class  WorldGeneratorAttribute
 Attribute that designates a class as a World Generator More...
class  WorldModifierAttribute
 Specific a world modifier to be loaded in More...