override string | Name [get] |
override string | TextureResource [get] |
override bool | Sloped [get] |
sealed override string | MeshResource [get] |
sealed override BlockMeshTransform | MeshTransformMode [get] |
override BlockVertexMode | VertexMode [get] |
sealed override BlockRenderMode | RenderMode [get] |
override SoundDescriptor | SoundWalk [get] |
override MaterialType | MaterialType [get] |
virtual ushort | Id [get] |
| Rotating hash algorithm for max permutation From: http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/algorithms/jsw_tut_hashing.aspx More...
string | InternalName [get] |
| Internal name from the attribute More...
bool | Renderable [get] |
| Determines whether or not the block is visible More...
virtual BlockTextureMode | TextureMode [get] |
virtual BlockRenderMode | RenderMode [get] |
virtual BlockVertexMode | VertexMode [get] |
virtual BlockAnimationMode | AnimationMode [get] |
virtual float | Transparency [get] |
virtual int | TextureStretch [get] |
virtual string | MeshResource [get] |
virtual Matrix4 | MeshTransform [get] |
virtual BlockMeshTransform | MeshTransformMode [get] |
virtual BlockMeshLodMode | MeshLodMode [get] |
virtual int | MeshLodDistance [get] |
virtual int | MeshLodSkipMultiplier [get] |
virtual string | IconResource [get] |
virtual BlockIconMode | IconMode [get] |
virtual bool | HasFog [get] |
virtual Rgba | FogColor [get] |
virtual float | FogDensity [get] |
virtual bool | EmitsLight [get] |
virtual Rgba | EmitColor [get] |
virtual float | EmitRadius [get] |
virtual bool | EmitIsDirectional [get] |
virtual Vector3 | EmitDirection [get] |
virtual float | EmitDirectionFocus [get] |
virtual bool | HasParticleSystem [get] |
virtual int | ParticleSystemViewDistance [get] |
virtual string | ParticleSystemScript [get] |
virtual bool | Destructable [get] |
virtual bool | Solid [get] |
virtual double | FrictionRatio [get] |
virtual double | FallDamageRatio [get] |
virtual double | SpeedLimit [get] |
virtual double | SpeedMultiplier [get] |
virtual int | DamageInfliction [get] |
virtual double | BounceRatio [get] |
virtual bool | Climbable [get] |
virtual bool | Sloped [get] |
virtual bool | IsLiquid [get] |
virtual float | FluidDensity [get] |
virtual BlockPermeableMode | FluidPermeableMode [get] |
virtual Vector3d | GravityMultiplier [get] |
virtual Vector3d | GravityConstant [get] |
virtual bool | HasPhysics [get] |
virtual bool | PhysicsAutoStart [get] |
virtual TimeSpan | PhysicsFrequency [get] |
virtual SoundDescriptor | SoundAmbient [get] |
virtual SoundDescriptor | SoundWalk [get] |
virtual SoundDescriptor | SoundFall [get] |
virtual SoundDescriptor | SoundBreak [get] |
virtual SoundDescriptor | SoundPlace [get] |
virtual SoundDescriptor | SoundInteract [get] |
virtual float | MaterialDensity [get] |
abstract MaterialType | MaterialType [get] |
abstract string | Name [get] |
abstract string | TextureResource [get] |
string | Name [get] |
| Display name More...
string | InternalName [get] |
| Name of the block internally (Usually defined by the attribute) More...
ushort | Id [get] |
| Id that represent the block type (usually hash of InternalName) More...
bool | Renderable [get] |
| Renderable, aka visible More...
BlockTextureMode | TextureMode [get] |
| Render mode for the block (mostly relates to texturing) More...
BlockRenderMode | RenderMode [get] |
| Defines how the faces of the block get rendered, and by what rules More...
BlockVertexMode | VertexMode [get] |
| Vertex mode of the rendered block More...
BlockAnimationMode | AnimationMode [get] |
| Gets the animation mode. More...
float | Transparency [get] |
| Amount of transparency More...
string | TextureResource [get] |
| Texture file that represents the image starting at the "content/textures/" root More...
int | TextureStretch [get] |
| Number of blocks the texture stretches (default 1). Needs rendermode stretch More...
BlockMeshTransform | MeshTransformMode [get] |
| Gets the mesh render mode More...
BlockMeshLodMode | MeshLodMode [get] |
| Gets the LOD mode for the mesh More...
bool | MeshReverseNormals [get] |
| If true, will reverse the ordering of the mesh vertices to change how normals are computed More...
int | MeshLodDistance [get] |
| Distance, in lod-levels, until the lod mode is applied More...
int | MeshLodSkipMultiplier [get] |
| Multiplying factor for how many tris to skip per lod level More...
string | MeshResource [get] |
| Gets the mesh resource. More...
Matrix4 | MeshTransform [get] |
| Gets the mesh transform matrix More...
Vector3 | MeshOverrideNormal [get] |
| If provided, overrides the normal of the mesh geometry with this normal More...
string | IconResource [get] |
| Resolved resource path to an icon representing the block More...
BlockIconMode | IconMode [get] |
| Gets the icon mode for how the resoruce is rendered More...
bool | Destructable [get] |
| Am I destructable More...
bool | Solid [get] |
| Is the block solid, that is, does it have collision More...
double | FrictionRatio [get] |
| The friction applied to walking on/through the block when slowing/stopping Normal is 1f More...
double | FallDamageRatio [get] |
| The amount of fall damage taken by falling on (normal is 1f) More...
double | SpeedLimit [get] |
| Speed limit going through the block. Normal is no limit More...
double | SpeedMultiplier [get] |
| Gets the speed multiplier. More...
int | DamageInfliction [get] |
| Amount of damage points inflicted by touching. A person is 100 damage Default 0 More...
double | BounceRatio [get] |
| When falling on this block, bounce this much. 1f is equal height as fallen Default 0 More...
bool | Climbable [get] |
| Can the block be climbed More...
bool | Sloped [get] |
| Should the block be considered to be sloped More...
bool | IsLiquid [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is liquid. More...
float | FluidDensity [get] |
| Affects several aspects with fluids/gasses 1) Lighter density liquids will float to the top 2) Higher densities will retrict movement (i.e. sink into, or be solid) Default 0.0; More...
BlockPermeableMode | FluidPermeableMode [get] |
| Gets how this block reacts to fluids More...
Vector3d | GravityMultiplier [get] |
| Gets the gravity multiplier to affect existing gravity More...
Vector3d | GravityConstant [get] |
| Gets the gravity constant, to supply its own gravity More...
bool | HasPhysics [get] |
| Does the block have any physics (mostly for optimization) This is weather the block will actually fall/move, not whether physics is applied to entities More...
bool | PhysicsAutoStart [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this pluginbase.Objects.World.Blocks.IBlock physics auto starts, triggering on world-gen rather than interaction More...
TimeSpan | PhysicsFrequency [get] |
| Gets the physics delay, which is how often physics will be applied More...
bool | HasFog [get] |
| When viewport is inside block, do we alter fog (i.e. underwater) Default false More...
Rgba | FogColor [get] |
| Return a 4-tuple of fog color (RGBA) More...
float | FogDensity [get] |
| Density of the fog More...
bool | EmitsLight [get] |
| Does the block emit light More...
Rgba | EmitColor [get] |
| Emittance color More...
float | EmitRadius [get] |
| Gets the light radius of the light More...
bool | EmitIsDirectional [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this pluginbase.Objects.World.Blocks.IBlock emit is directional. More...
Vector3 | EmitDirection [get] |
| Gets the emit direction. More...
float | EmitDirectionFocus [get] |
| Gets the emit direction focus. More...
string | ParticleSystemScript [get] |
| Resolved path to a particle script More...
bool | HasParticleSystem [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has particle system. More...
int | ParticleSystemViewDistance [get] |
| Gets the max distance we can view the particle system from More...
SoundDescriptor | SoundAmbient [get] |
| Ambient sound the block makes by existing More...
SoundDescriptor | SoundWalk [get] |
| Sound of walking on the block (or moving through, in case of water) More...
SoundDescriptor | SoundFall [get] |
| Sound for falling on block More...
SoundDescriptor | SoundPlace [get] |
| Sound when placing block More...
SoundDescriptor | SoundBreak [get] |
| Sound when breaking block More...
SoundDescriptor | SoundInteract [get] |
| Sound when interacting with block More...
float | MaterialDensity [get] |
| Gets the material density; aka its weight per cubic block More...
MaterialType | MaterialType [get] |
| Gets the type of the material. More...