Empeld plugin documentation.
▼Nessentials | |
►Naction | |
►NEntities | |
►NActor | |
CActorBase | An actor base, which is something that acts in the world That is, has position and visible model |
CAttachableActorBase | |
CIAttachableActor | |
CIAttachableTarget | |
CINewtonianEntity | |
CIRepulsiveEntity | An entity that a newtonian entity repulses against. Funny name, I know. |
CNewtonianBase | |
CPathingEntityBase | |
CPlayableBase | Represents default functionality for a controllable user |
CRailEntityBase | |
►NAI | |
►NInteraction | |
►NContracts | |
CInteractContract | |
CInteractionOption | |
►NUI | |
CBasicInteractionUI | |
CIInteractionUI | |
CIInteractable | |
CINpcInteraction | |
CNPCInteraction | |
►CAiEntityBase | A FSM (Finite State Machine) implementation of AI |
CFSMInitException | |
CFSMThoughtException | |
CFSMNodeAttribute | An attribute to label the name of a given FSM Node |
►NBasic | |
CGuyEntity | |
CNpcEntity | |
►NItemFramework | |
►NContainers | |
CIInventory | Inventory class representation Implemented primarily by InventorySync |
CInventorySync | Class designed to synchronize IItem types |
CISelectableInventory | Inventory where an item can be selected |
CSelectableInventorySync | |
►NInteractive | |
►NBases | |
►NSimple | |
CMagicWand | |
CShovel | A simple tool that removes a block from the world and drops it as an item |
CDeterioratingItemBase | |
CUseableItemBase | A base class that abstracts useable items and makes it easy to add display components |
CWorldModifyingItemBase | Base class for an item that modifies the world |
►NDisplayComponents | |
CIItemDisplayComponent | Interface to be used for a helper class that renders a display for an equipped item |
CItemCrosshairs | Display component for item that should display a crosshair when selected |
CItemCursor | Class to use as a display component for an item that needs a cursor |
►NUI | |
CInventoryDialog | |
CInventoryHotbar | A UI to display a hotbar at the bottom of the screen |
CIEquipableItem | A client-side interface that has methods when an item is equiped for use |
CItemUseContext | A context to define in what scenario an item should be used in |
CItemUseReturn | A base return object for an item-use action |
CIUseableItem | An interface to implement the use-action on an item |
CSimpleInteractiveInventory | |
CUseableBlockItem | A BlackStackItem class that implements IUseable for use from an inventory |
►NMeshalizer | |
CBitmapMeshalizer | |
►NWorld | |
CIItemDrop | Represents an item that has been dropped in the world |
CItemDropEntity | |
CBlockItem | |
CBlockStackItem | |
CIItem | |
CIItemQuantity | Denotes an item that has quantity, and is able to stack with other items |
CIItemQuantityBundleable | Denotes an item that can bundle multiple items |
CItemBase | |
CItemBundle | Helper class for bundling non-bundleable items |
CItemEntityExtensions | Item extensions to interact with entities |
►NPathing | |
►NEngines | |
CAStarEngine | The AStar implementation of 3D path-finding |
►NRails | |
CAbstractRail | A rail that consistents of points, with the ability to follow this points |
CLinearRail | A rail that can be followed, where position between two points is interpolated linearly |
CQuadraticRail | A rail that can be followed, were interpolation between two points is quadratic |
CStepRail | Slightly difference from an AbstractRail, this doesn't keep track of interpolation, but just the list of ordered points to traverse |
CDefaultWorldCostEngine | Default world cost engine. Avoids hills and water. Should work for most default blocks |
CIPathCostEngine | |
CIPathingEngine | A pathing engine that can discover a Path from point A->B That can increment itself to the conclusion |
CIPathRail | |
CPath | |
CPathEngineException | |
CPathingJob | A pathing job for the task scheduler to increment an engine |
CWorldPathing | World pathing is a helper class to assist in using the pathing job to figure out how to get from point a to point b |
►NBlockEntities | |
CBlockEntityBase | The base class for block-entities that use the default entity placeholder block |
CEntityPlaceholderBlock | A special block that is used to mark the location of an entity-block and forward some of its events to it |
CIBlockEntity | An interface that denotes an entity as a block-entity |
CIBlockEntityInteractable | A class that denotes an IBlockEntity as interactable with The EntityPlaceholderBlock will forward its Interact events to this |
►NBlocks | |
►NEarth | |
CBeachSand | |
CCrackedDirt | |
CDirt | |
CEarthBase | |
CGrass | |
CIce | |
CInfection | |
CMoss | |
CMud | |
CRockyGrass | |
CSand | |
CSnow | |
CTrash | |
►NEmitters | |
CBeacon | |
CDarkSmokeEmitter | |
CEmitterBase | |
CFireworkEmitter | |
CSmokeEmitter | |
CSparksEmitter | |
►NGas | |
CCloud | |
CForcefield | |
CGasBase | |
CGasCloud | |
CPlasma | |
►NGeological | |
CBoulder | |
CGeologicalBase | |
CMarbleBeige | |
CMarbleGreen | |
CMarbleWhite | |
CPebbles | |
CRock | |
CStalactite | |
CStalactiteGroup | |
CStalactiteLarge | |
CStalagmite | |
CStalagmiteGroup | |
►NLights | |
CCandle | |
CCandleGroup | |
CLamp | |
CLampBlue | |
CLampGreen | |
CLampOff | |
CLampRed | |
CLantern | |
CLightBase | |
CTorch | |
CWallLampOff | |
CWallLampOn | |
►NLiquid | |
CAlgae | |
CInfiniteWater | |
CLava | |
CLiquidBase | |
CMirkyWater | |
CWater | |
►NPhysics | |
CCascadingBlock | |
CIBlockPhysics | |
►NStructural | |
CGlass | |
CLightBrick | |
CMarbleTiles | |
CRedBrick | |
CSandstone | |
CStonePath | |
CStructuralBase | |
CWindowBlocks | |
CWindowFrame | |
CWoodBeams | |
►NVisualization | |
CZoneBase | |
CZoneBlue | |
CZoneGreen | |
CZoneRed | |
CEssentialsBlock | |
►Nblocks | |
►Nalien | |
►NGround | |
CCrackedGrowth | |
CCrystal | |
CGroundBase | |
CGrowth | |
COrangeDirt | |
CSoil | |
CSoilPurple | |
CThickGrowth | |
CThickGrowthPurple | |
►NOrganic | |
CBlueLeaves | |
CEggSac | |
CFlesh | |
COrganicBase | |
►NVegetation | |
CFernLargePurple | |
CFernLargeRed | |
CFernPurple | |
CFernRed | |
CTentacles | |
CTentaclesBloomed | |
CVegetationBase | |
CAlienBlock | |
►Nstructural | |
►NBuildings | |
CArrowsRed | |
CAsphalt | |
CBronzeSheets | |
CBuildingBase | |
CBulkhead | |
CBulkheadBlue | |
CCardboard | |
CCautionMetal | |
CCheckeredTiles | |
CConcrete | |
CConcreteFence | |
CConcretePlate | |
CControlPanel | |
CCopper | |
CGrassBricks | |
CMetalBeam | |
CMetalGalvanized | |
CMetalPlate | |
CMetalRoof | |
CMetalRust | |
CMetalScales | |
CMetalSheetBlue | |
CMetalSheetRed | |
CMetalStructuralBase | |
CMetalTearplate | |
CPlaster | |
CScaffold | |
CSewer | |
CStucco | |
CThatching | |
CVent | |
CVentRound | |
CWoodFine | |
CWoodFineApple | |
►NDecals | |
CBiohazardDecal | |
CBookDecal | |
CDamageLargeDecal | |
CDamageSmallDecal | |
CDangerDecal | |
CDecalBase | |
CDeniedDecal | |
CDisplay | |
CEdgeLeakDecal | |
CEdgeMossDecal | |
CEdgeRustDecal | |
CPapers1 | |
CPapers2 | |
CPapers3 | |
CPapers4 | |
CPhoto1 | |
CPipeEndDecal | |
CRustDecal | |
CStainDecal | |
CVineDecal | |
CWarningDecal | |
►NDoors | |
CDoorBase | Class to be used for flip-floppable blocks with interacting with them Mainly focused on doors |
CIDoor | A block that is a type of door |
CMetalDoorClosed | |
CMetalDoorOpen | |
CSewerDoorClosed | |
CSewerDoorOpen | |
CWindowDoorClosed | |
CWindowDoorOpen | |
CWoodDoorClosed | |
CWoodDoorOpen | |
►NProps | |
CAntenna | |
CBarrel | |
CCampfire | |
CCatwalk | |
CChair | |
CCloneConnectedBase | Base class for cloning connected objects to align with each other |
CCloneWallBase | Base class for cloning walls to connect to each other in the XY axis |
CConcreteCorner | |
CConcreteStairs | |
CConduit | |
CConduitLit | |
CCornerBase | Base class for corner-objects (eg slopes) so they connect correctly |
CCrystalBunchBase | Base class for randomly cloning objects sticking out of the ground (eg crystals) |
CCrystalBunchGreen | |
CCrystalBunchPurple | |
CEndTable | |
CGear | |
CGlassCorner | |
CGlassPane | |
CMarblePillar | |
CMetalCorner | |
CMetalFence | |
CMetalLadder | |
CMetalStairs | |
COrbBlue | |
CPaneBase | Base class for pane-objects; that is, objects that are like window-panes and align themselves with what they're surrounded by |
CPipeGroup | |
CPipeMetal | |
CPropBase | Base class for all props |
CPropWallBase | Base class for all walls |
CSandstoneCorner | |
CSandstoneStairs | |
CSatelliteDish | |
CStairsBase | |
CTable | |
CTableLamp | |
CTombstone | |
CValve | |
CWallLamp | |
CWindowBrick | |
CWoodCorner | |
CWoodFence | |
CWoodLadder | |
CWoodStairs | |
CStructuralBase | |
►Nvegetation | |
►NBrush | |
CBrush1 | |
CBrush2 | |
CBrush3 | |
CBrushAnimatedBase | |
CBrushBase | |
CBush | |
CDeadGrassBlades | |
CDesertPlant | |
CFern | |
CFlowerBedYellow | |
CFlowerPurple | |
CFlowerYellow | |
CGlowingMushroom | |
CGrassBase | |
CGrassBlades | |
CGrassBladesFirefly | |
CLargeBush | |
CLilypads | |
CMushroom | |
CMushroomGroup | |
CPalmLeaves | |
CReeds | |
CReedsExtraTall | |
CReedsTall | |
CVegetationClusterBase | |
CVegetationTriPlaneClusterBase | |
CVine | |
CVinePair | |
CWheat | |
►NTrees | |
CAbstractBranch | |
CAbstractLeaves | |
CAbstractTree | |
CAbstractTrunk | |
CCactus | |
CDecidiousBranch | |
CDecidiousLeaves | |
CDecidiousStump | |
CDecidiousWood | |
CPalmTreeLeaves | |
CPalmWood | |
CPineBranch | |
CPineWood | |
►NUnderwater | |
CEelGrass | |
CUnderwaterBase | |
CVegetationBase | |
►NEnvironment | |
►NAtmosphere | |
CSimpleAtmosphere | |
►NFilters | |
CColorFilter | |
CVignetteFilter | |
►NFog | |
CAtmosphereFog | Basic atmosphere fog based on orbitals Can be extended to override color, type, etc |
CAtmosphereVolumeFog | Fog that computes a low-level volumetric fog |
CColorFog | Simple fog to be used within plugins |
CFogSkirt | Sky-layer Skirt that surroudns the atmosphere with a low-layer of fog Assumes Z-up |
►NOrbital | |
CMoon | |
CSun | |
►NPrecipitation | |
CDustStorm | |
CRain | |
►NSky | |
CAtmosphereLayer | Simple atmosphere layer that inspects orbitals and compares them to simulate atmospheric scattering |
CCloudLayer | |
CColorLayer | Just a plain color sky; As basic as it gets |
CRainCloudLayer | |
CStarLayer | |
CBasicEnvironment | |
CIOrbitalGlow | Interface that defines glow on an orbital Glow is the way an orbital effects the atmosphere when using an AtmosphereLayer |
►NPrefabs | |
►NInterop | |
CMCBlockMap | A class that maps an external block id to an empeld block id |
CMCSchematic | |
CNBTData | |
►NPreviewing | |
CPrefabPreviewBuilder | Class to build a mesh that is a rough drawing of a prefab Used for preview-rendering |
CIPrefab | A read-write interface that represents a prefab object |
CIPrefabManager | |
CIReadonlyPrefab | An interface for a readonly prefab object |
CPrefab | A subset of blocks within a world, that creates an existing entity Able to save and load from disk, clone pieces of the world, etc |
CPrefabBlock | A data object representing a block |
CPrefabConstructor | A helper object that will keep a list of blocks to-be-constructed in the world |
CPrefabExtensions | |
CPrefabGenerator | Helper class to place an arbitrary set of blocks with positions, and generate a prefab |
CPrefabInstance | An object that represents an in-world instance of a prefab |
CPrefabInstanceExtensions | |
CPrefabWriterInstance | A PrefabInstance that is read-write |
CWorldExtensions | Extension methods to help manage prefabs |
►NSubsystems | |
►NChat | |
CChatClient | |
CChatServer | |
CIChatCommandHandler | |
CIChatServer | |
CUserManagerChatPlugin | |
CWorldChatPlugin | |
►NScoreboard | |
►CScoreboard | |
CColumn | |
CEntry | |
CScoreboardClient | |
CScoreboardColumn | |
CScoreboardServer | |
CSimpleUserController | |
►NSystems | |
►NBlockTransfer | |
CAbstractBlockTransfer | Class that acts as base class for block transfer algorithms |
CGenericTransferSystem | |
CIReadonlyTransferSystem | |
CITransferSystem | |
CPressureTransferSystem | |
►NStructures | |
►NNetwork | |
►NResources | |
CConstructedStructure | Abstract class to for a structure that consumes resources in order to build itself |
CContainerStructure | Simple class for a structure that contains a single, drainable, resource |
CIResource | A blank interface that labels other classes as being a designation for a resource |
CIResourceProvider | Provides resources of a type class |
CIResourceSink | Interface on a structure that defines it as a receiver for a resource type |
CPoweredStructure | A base class for a structure on a network that can get resources from other structures on the network |
CResourceConnectorAttribute | Attribute that specifies which block types are used to transport a resource |
CBlockTypeGroup | Group of blocks used in structure networks |
CINetworkedStructure | |
CIStructureConnection | A connection to a structure |
CNetworkedStructure | Base class for a structure that may be networked to other structures |
CIStructure | Interface representing an in-world structure |
CStructure | Base-class for an entity that represents a prefab structure (That is, composed of blocks) |
►NTriggers | |
CAbstractTrigger | |
CEntityAreaTrigger | |
CITrigger | |
CSimpleTrigger | |
CWorldAreaTrigger | A trigger that invokes when a certain area and predicate is matched on a world event |
►NWorldGenerators | |
►NWorldEngine | |
CHeightMap | |
CIHeightMap | |
CInterpolatedHeightMap | |
CFlatWorld | |
CWorldEngineGenerator | |
▼Npluginbase | |
►NAttributes | |
CAuthoredAttribute | Abstract common attribute to define something as being authored by someone |
CBlockAttribute | This class describes a block type provided by the plugin |
CBooCompatibilityAttribute | |
CConfigAttribute | Attribute that designates a configuration setting is needed for a specific plugin or component of the plugin |
CEmpeldGameAttribute | Assembly attribute to describe a preset game mode |
CEmpeldPluginAttribute | Attribute to specify an assembly is a plugin (rather than a dependency) |
CEnvironmentAttribute | Attribute that identifies a class as an Environment Must be on an IEnvironment |
CExperimentalAttribute | |
CGameContextAttribute | Game controller attribute to specify game-control classes |
CPersistAttribute | Attribute to denote an item on a component, entity, or otherwise, as persisting to file |
CRankedAttribute | An attribute used as a base-class for other attributes |
CThreadSafeAttribute | Denotes a given method as being thread-safe (Callable from multiple threads) |
CWorldGeneratorAttribute | Attribute that designates a class as a World Generator |
CWorldModifierAttribute | Specific a world modifier to be loaded in |
►NDependencies | |
CDependencyAttribute | Mark a field or a property in a class as a dependency to-be-injected |
CDependencyException | |
CICacheProvider | Per-system cache provider. Specific to the plugin |
CIEntityFactory | |
CIEntityManager | Entity manager for server-side entities only |
CIEnvironmentState | Server-side interface that provides information about the lighting situation of a given position |
CIFrameTimeState | Injectable interface representing the time state of a current simulation frame |
CIGameTime | Injectable interface representing the current state of the world |
CILocalEntities | Entity manager for local-side entities. This will work on client, or server, but will only have the capabilities to return things that said client or server know about The client only knows about the subset of total entities. Usually within the clients viewport |
CInjectableAttribute | |
CIPluginLogger | |
CIResourceResolver | A dependency to locate resources local to a plugin |
CISettings | Dependency that represents settings used when initializing the game Available on client and server |
CIUserManager | |
CIWorldStateServer | |
CPluginDependencies | Manages dependencies for a plugin |
CPluginDependencyExtensions | Plugin dependency extensions. Included to maintain backwards compatibility |
►NHelpers | |
►NAttributes | |
CHookAttribute | Class that represents a hooked method with a given scope |
CHooks | |
CScopeAttribute | Class that represents an abstract definition of a scope |
►NBinaryCodecs | |
►NProviders | |
CComplexBsonCodecProvider | |
CExtendedCodecProvider | |
CPrimitiveCodecProvider | |
CBinaryCodecAttribute | Attribute that tells us how to encode a specific class |
CCodecs | |
CCodecSet | |
CIBinaryCodec | Defines an interface to get a codec for a type |
CTypeCodec | Defines how to encode and decode a type |
►NBuffers | |
CBuffer2d | I'm a buffer. I store 2D data. I'm unsafe |
CBuffer3d | A class that contains data of type T in a 3D space |
CBufferSpace3d | Buffer that has a size, but represents 3D space using offsets |
►NCollections | |
CBiDictionary | A specialized dictionary that allows either side to be accessed as if it were the key |
CTypeCache | |
►NComputative | |
►NAlgorithms | |
CCellNoise | |
CNoise | I generate random 0 and 1's with a density frequency |
CPerlin | Perlin noise implementation |
CSimplex | Simplex noise Implementation from Stefan Gustavson, optimized by Peter Eastman, ported to C#/optimized by Chris LaPointe |
CSmoothPerlin | |
►NCombiners | |
CCombiner3D | Combine by delegate. Auto-generated from ValuePoint3D |
CManip3D | Singular manipulator such as Absolute value |
CScalarValue | Class that represents a scalar value for the combiner engine Easier than writing more operators |
►NRandom | |
CIPseudoRandom | A class representing a random number engine |
CPseudoRandom | A basic implementation of a random number generator |
CRandom3D | A value instance of pure random numbers |
CInterpolate | Helper methods for interpolation |
CMatrixExtensions | |
CMExt | Math extensions |
CQuatExtensions | |
CRand | Convenience methods for random number generation |
CValuePoint3D | Base class to build a system of complex, deferred, equations Mostly to help with construction of worlds |
CVExt | Vector math extensions |
►NCoords | |
CBox2i | |
CRotation2 | Rotation XZ; In radians |
CRotation2d | Rotation XZ; In radians |
CSize3i | |
CVector2i | A 2d struct of integers |
CVector3i | A class representing a 3D coordinate of integers |
CVectorIterators | A class of helpers that iterate through vector-space |
CVolume | Represent a 3D axis-aligned volume |
►NData | |
CAnyEnum | Object that can act as any enumeration |
CGradientBrush | |
CIBrush | |
CRgba | Class the represents a floating-point color of red, green, blue, and alpha |
CSolidBrush | |
CTokenizedString | Fast implementation of a string tokenizer. Tokens exist like {token} |
CVersioned | |
►NExtensions | |
CEndianExtensions | Extension methods for reading big-endian versions of data |
CEnumExtensions | |
►CExpressionExtensions | Expression extension methods |
CCallableExpression | |
►CReflectionExtensions | |
CUnifiedVariable | |
►NGeometry | |
CAxisAlignedBox | Represents an axis-aligned bounding box |
CIIntersectable | Interface to implement to test if intersectable |
CIntersectableExtensions | Containers extensions for IIntersectable to apply to similar types |
CRay | A 3d Ray |
CSegment | A line segment |
CSphere | |
CVoxels | Helper class to work with Voxels |
►NMesh | |
►NManipulation | |
CCoordinateManip | |
CSimpleSubdivide | |
CGeometry | |
CMaterial | |
CMesh | A raw, un-optimize, fully mutable, representation of a static mesh |
CTriangle | |
CTriangleGroup | |
CVertex | |
CHex | Hex computation helpers |
CUniqueClassIds | Associated a unique integer ID with a class type for faster lookups The unique Id are stored in the app domain using a static tempalte IMPORTANT: Unique class id's are not the same across the network or between loads |
CWeakReferenceExt | An extended, generic, WeakReference type. Not named WeakReference to avoid conflict with the MS .Net 4.5 generic weak reference |
►NObjects | |
►NAudio | |
CAudioManagerExtensions | |
CIAudioManager | Manages audio in the world (Client only) |
CIBlockAudioManager | |
CIBlockAudioResources | |
CIBlockAudioSample | |
CIMusicManager | |
CISample | |
CISampleInstance | |
CISamplePositionalInstance | |
CISampleVaryingInstance | |
CSampleDescriptor | |
CSoundDescriptor | |
►NEffects | |
CIPostProcessor | Access to post processor WARNING: This interface may not be present if the client system does not support shaders TREAT AS OPTIONAL |
►NGame | |
CIClientSubsystem | |
CIPluginExtension | A defined in PluginExtensionAttribute, an interface that will define a class to start with a plugin |
CIPluginGameContext | |
CIServerSubsystem | |
CISubsystem | |
CIUser | Reprents a user in the game. Not necessarily an entity. More relatively to a network connection |
CIUserController | |
CPluginExtensionAttribute | Defines components, implemented by IPluginExtension, that will start when the game is started with the plugin active, regardless of which game mode is chosen |
CPluginGameContextBase | |
CServerStateMetadata | |
CSubsystemBase | |
CUserControllerBase | |
►NInput | |
CIBoundInput | Interface that represents an input binding that is bound to the input manager to receive input Note: This object is ref-tracked, meaning that if it's not pinned, and there's no variable that holds it, it will be removed |
CIInputBinding | Class that allows you to bind to keys and mouse buttons |
CIInputManager | Class that handles routing and key binds for all user input |
CInputAttribute | Wrapper class to be used with extension 'BindInputMethods' Provides a convenient way to trigger methods for an IInputTypeBinding when a state changes |
CInputExtensions | Extensions for input management |
►NLibs | |
►NEventBus | |
CIEvent | Denotes an event bus event type |
CIEventBus | Top-level object to route events across server and all clients Events are based on a type, rather than key-value. This class layers on top of RPC to route the objects |
►NEvents | |
CIBindableDelegate | |
CIInvokableDelegate | |
CManagedEvent | |
CWeakDelegate | Code generator for weak delegate wrappers |
CWeakDelegateExtensions | |
►NPersist | |
CIPersistObject | |
CIReadPersistObject | |
►NRpc | |
CIRpcClass | An interface that represents a remoted class |
CIRpcContext | Purely a labeling class to let RPC know this is a context type |
CIRpcManager | Injectable RPC class manager to register or get a class for remoting |
CIRpcMethod | An interface that represents a remotely callable method |
CRemoteAttribute | Attribute to label a method as being able to be remotely called |
CRpcCodecAttribute | An attribute to decorate a class, method, or entire assembly, to provide a custom binary codec provider (encoder and decoder) for type(s) used in RPC |
CRpcException | Exception raised when an error with the RPC logic occurs |
CRpcNetworkContext | The network context used as a first parameter of an RPC callback or call |
CRpcTarget | Class that specifies the target of an RPC class |
►NModels | |
CIDynamicTextModel | |
CIModelFactory | Injectable Dependency responsible for loading and caching models |
CIModelInstance | An interface that represents a model Instance An instance is a readonly model with extra data specific to an instance This model has not been instantiated in the world |
CIReadonlyModel | An interface representing the read-only version of a loaded model |
CIUiScreenModel | |
►NParticles | |
CIParticleDomain | The particle domain interface |
CIParticleSystem | Particle system actions |
CParticle | A particle of a particle system |
►NSaves | |
CIPersistable | Interface which describes how to load and persist an object in a saved game |
CISavedGame | Dependency for registering objects for persistence with saved games |
►NSyncable | |
►NEntity | |
►NControllers | |
CEntityHookAttribute | Wrapper for HookAttribute for explicit typing |
CIBoundInputEntity | Label for entity that automatically binds all InputAttribute methods |
CIComponentizedEntity | Combination of ITaskedEntity, and IHookedEntity |
CIEntityController | Base class of other controllable interfaces to define them as controllers to go through the router |
CIHookedEntity | Labels the entity as handled by the hook lifecycle controller, which will call all scoped hooks on an entity |
CIModelEntity | An interface representing an entity that has a model |
CIPlayableEntity | An entity that accepts controls and key input to determine action An entity must be an IPlayableEntity to be controlled as the main entity by the player |
CIRpcEntity | Labels an entity has having the ability to receive and send RPC calls |
CITaskedEntity | Label an entity as binding and execution of all tasks with TaskAttribute |
►NStatic | |
CStaticEntityBase | Defines an entity that doesn't move |
CEntityAttribute | Identifies a class as an instantiatable entity |
CEntityBase | A base class representing entities |
CIActor | |
CIEntity | A world object that has position |
CIMutableActor | |
CIMutableEntity | A mutable entity is an entity that can be initialized and encoded to/from Primarily used as an extra interface for being controlled, but keeping it separate from normal entity functions |
CIPositionableEntity | An entity that is positionable within the world |
►NValidators | |
CValidateVectorDeltaAttribute | Validation attribute that makes sure a vector doesn't move further than a certain speed |
►NWatchers | |
CArraySync | Syncable class that can synchronize other syncables that it can contain |
CListSync | |
CMutableSync | A special syncable type where the type (T) is not assumed eg. This can sync an interface, as long as the implementing type is also a syncable, and the type along with the values will be sync'd |
CSmoothSync | Class to synchronize primitives that support addition and multiplication Smoothing (Interpolation) the result across time. Great for linear interpolation of positions, rotation and other such variable data |
CSync | |
CSyncBase | |
CBaseContext | Base context for encoding and decoding |
CDecodeContext | Context that describes how to decode the data in the syncable stream (mostly security stuff) |
CEncodeContext | Context that defines how to encode the data within the syncables system |
CINetSyncable | An interface representing the base of a syncable network object |
CINetWatcher | An interface recognizing a class as being able to be watched |
CIValidatedNetSyncable | An interface that describes a syncable that has the ability to be validated and allows for validator attributes |
CIValidator | Interface for syncable objects that can have a validator attached to them |
CSyncableAttribute | Marks a field within a class as a target to be synchronized |
CSyncableBase | The base class for any syncable |
CSyncableObject | An object that acts as a base class for objects that want syncables as fields Most entities use this class |
CTypeSerializer | Special type serializer that will work with plugins |
CValidateAttribute | Defines how validation occurs on a syncable |
CValidatedSyncableBase | Base class helper for a syncable than can be validated |
►NTasks | |
CChainedTask | Consider using the Promise infrastructure for dependable and completable/returnable values. This chaining is good when you have a non-Promise task that needs chaining |
CChainedTaskExtensions | |
CEnumerableTask | Enumerates over a list and runs a evaluator for each item as part of a scheduled task |
CIIterableSystem | |
CIScheduledTask | |
CITask | |
CITaskScheduler | |
CITaskYieldAction | |
CIterativeTask | A task that reoccurs until TaskResult is remove. Keeps track of number of invocations Evaluates as many times within time restriction as allowable |
CRecurringTask | Recurring task. Returns true once done |
CRepeatingTask | A task that repeats a specific number of times before stopping |
CSchedulerExtensions | Adds various helper extension methods to the scheduler |
CSingleTask | Runs something once after a delay, and immediately removes |
CTaskAttribute | Annotates a method in a class as a recurring task. Must use binding extension to active |
CTaskEx | |
CTaskObjectExtensions | Helper methods for binding task methods on objects by TaskAttribute |
CTween | Helper class to create tweaning tasks that run over time |
CWeakTask | |
CYieldingTask | Uses static yield-types to schedule something if IEnumerable<ITaskYieldAction> for inline code |
►NUI | |
►NGlue | |
CBuiGlue | |
CBuiGlueExtensions | |
CGlueAttribute | |
CINotifyPropertyUpdated | |
CBuiCallbackAttribute | Labels a method as callable by a BUI control |
CIBuiControl | The control returned to the plugin to be operated on and retrieve information from |
CIBuiInterface | The interface as shown to the the BOO script |
CIBuiScreen | Represents the root screen for BUI A dependency injectable |
CIBuiTween | Tweening interface |
►NUI2 | |
►NReactive | |
CUI2BindAttribute | Specifies a bound field, property, or void method to use with reactive extensions |
CUI2ReactiveExtensions | |
CUI2ReactiveState | |
CIUI2Control | Top level UI2 control |
CIUI2Screen | Top level ui2 control |
CIUI2Widget | A widget in the UI2 control |
CUI2Extensions | |
►NWorld | |
►NBlocks | |
CAir | Air. This is a special block. |
CBlockBase | A common base used to build all blocks |
CIBlock | An interface representing a block |
CIBlockInteractable | Describes a block that is interactable |
CMissingBlock | Special block to represent a block that is missing |
►NEnvironment | |
►NAtmosphere | |
CAtmosphereBase | |
►NFilter | |
CFilterBase | |
►NFog | |
CFogBase | |
►NOrbitals | |
COrbitalBase | Base class to simplify use of an IOrbital |
COrbitalRevolutionBase | A base class used to represent a standard orbital in the sky |
►NPrecipitation | |
CPrecipitationBase | |
►NSky | |
CSkyLayerBase | A base class used for a sky layer |
CEnvironmentBase | Base class for a world environment |
CIAtmosphere | |
CIEnvironment | Class that defines an environment |
CIEnvironmentSimulatable | Base class for any environment object that is considered simulatable |
CIFilter | The post-process filter definition interface |
CIFog | An interface representing fog within the game |
CIOrbital | the interface representing an orbital |
CIPrecipitation | Interface of a precipitation instance |
CISkyLayer | An interface representing the sky layer |
CIVolumeFog | A type of fog that also renders volumetric fog |
►NGenerators | |
CIBlockGenerator | World generator |
CIWorldGenerator | An interface representing a world generator |
CIWorldModifier | Represents a class that will modify the structure of the world generator |
CWorldGeneratorBase | Add some basic functionality on top of an IGenerator |
CBlockCacheAttribute | |
CBlockCacheExtension | |
CIBlockLookup | Get the correct instance of a block given its type |
CIWorld | A class representing the mutable version of the game world |
CIWorldBlock | A mutable block-coord tuple returned by the world |
CIWorldReadonly | |
CIWorldReadonlyBlock | An immutable block-coord tuple returned by the world |
CWorldHelpers | |
CWorldHelpersAsync | |
►NWorldObjects | |
CIWorldObject | A client-only world object |
CIWorldObjectManager | Manages client-only meshes created in the world |
CGame | The global game object |