Empeld plugin documentation.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.ArraySync< essentials.action.ItemFramework.IItem >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.BaseContextBase context for encoding and decoding
 Cessentials.BlockEntities.BlockEntityBaseThe base class for block-entities that use the default entity placeholder block
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Buffers.Buffer2d< T >I'm a buffer. I store 2D data. I'm unsafe
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Buffers.Buffer3d< T >A class that contains data of type T in a 3D space
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Buffers.BufferSpace3d< T >Buffer that has a size, but represents 3D space using offsets
 Cessentials.blocks.structural.Doors.DoorBase< MetalDoorOpen, MetalDoorClosed >
 Cessentials.blocks.structural.Doors.DoorBase< SewerDoorOpen, SewerDoorClosed >
 Cessentials.blocks.structural.Doors.DoorBase< WindowDoorOpen, WindowDoorClosed >
 Cessentials.blocks.structural.Doors.DoorBase< WoodDoorOpen, WoodDoorClosed >
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Extensions.EndianExtensionsExtension methods for reading big-endian versions of data
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Extensions.ExpressionExtensionsExpression extension methods
 CGameThe global game object
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.HexHex computation helpers
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Audio.IAudioManagerManages audio in the world (Client only)
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.BinaryCodecs.IBinaryCodecDefines an interface to get a codec for a type
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.IBindableDelegate< T >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.World.Generators.IBlockGeneratorWorld generator
 Cpluginbase.Objects.World.IBlockLookupGet the correct instance of a block given its type
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI.IBuiControlThe control returned to the plugin to be operated on and retrieve information from
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI.IBuiInterfaceThe interface as shown to the the BOO script
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI.IBuiScreenRepresents the root screen for BUI A dependency injectable
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI.IBuiTweenTweening interface
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.ICacheProviderPer-system cache provider. Specific to the plugin
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Entity.IEntityA world object that has position
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Entity.Controllers.IEntityControllerBase class of other controllable interfaces to define them as controllers to go through the router
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.IEntityManagerEntity manager for server-side entities only
 Cpluginbase.Objects.World.Environment.IEnvironmentClass that defines an environment
 Cpluginbase.Objects.World.Environment.IEnvironmentSimulatableBase class for any environment object that is considered simulatable
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.IEnvironmentStateServer-side interface that provides information about the lighting situation of a given position
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.EventBus.IEventDenotes an event bus event type
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.EventBus.IEventBusTop-level object to route events across server and all clients Events are based on a type, rather than key-value. This class layers on top of RPC to route the objects
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.IFrameTimeStateInjectable interface representing the time state of a current simulation frame
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.IGameTimeInjectable interface representing the current state of the world
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Input.IInputBindingClass that allows you to bind to keys and mouse buttons
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Input.IInputManagerClass that handles routing and key binds for all user input
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Geometry.IIntersectableInterface to implement to test if intersectable
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.ILocalEntitiesEntity manager for local-side entities. This will work on client, or server, but will only have the capabilities to return things that said client or server know about The client only knows about the subset of total entities. Usually within the clients viewport
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Models.IModelFactoryInjectable Dependency responsible for loading and caching models
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Models.IModelInstanceAn interface that represents a model Instance An instance is a readonly model with extra data specific to an instance This model has not been instantiated in the world
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.INetWatcherAn interface recognizing a class as being able to be watched
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Input.InputExtensionsExtensions for input management
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Computative.InterpolateHelper methods for interpolation
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Geometry.IntersectableExtensionsContainers extensions for IIntersectable to apply to similar types
 Cessentials.action.ItemFramework.Interactive.UI.InventoryHotbarA UI to display a hotbar at the bottom of the screen
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Particles.IParticleDomainThe particle domain interface
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Particles.IParticleSystemParticle system actions
 Cessentials.action.Pathing.IPathingEngineA pathing engine that can discover a Path from point A->B That can increment itself to the conclusion
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Saves.IPersistableInterface which describes how to load and persist an object in a saved game
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Game.IPluginExtensionA defined in PluginExtensionAttribute, an interface that will define a class to start with a plugin
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Effects.IPostProcessorAccess to post processor WARNING: This interface may not be present if the client system does not support shaders TREAT AS OPTIONAL
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Computative.Random.IPseudoRandomA class representing a random number engine
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Models.IReadonlyModelAn interface representing the read-only version of a loaded model
 Cessentials.Prefabs.IReadonlyPrefabAn interface for a readonly prefab object
 Cessentials.Systems.Structures.Network.Resources.IResourceA blank interface that labels other classes as being a designation for a resource
 Cessentials.Systems.Structures.Network.Resources.IResourceProvider< T >Provides resources of a type class
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.IResourceResolverA dependency to locate resources local to a plugin
 Cessentials.Systems.Structures.Network.Resources.IResourceSink< T >Interface on a structure that defines it as a receiver for a resource type
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Rpc.IRpcClassAn interface that represents a remoted class
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Rpc.IRpcClass< EventBus >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Rpc.IRpcContextPurely a labeling class to let RPC know this is a context type
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Rpc.IRpcManagerInjectable RPC class manager to register or get a class for remoting
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Rpc.IRpcMethodAn interface that represents a remotely callable method
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Saves.ISavedGameDependency for registering objects for persistence with saved games
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.ISettingsDependency that represents settings used when initializing the game Available on client and server
 Cessentials.Systems.Structures.Network.IStructureConnectionA connection to a structure
 Cessentials.action.ItemFramework.ItemEntityExtensionsItem extensions to interact with entities
 Cessentials.action.ItemFramework.Interactive.ItemUseContextA context to define in what scenario an item should be used in
 Cessentials.action.ItemFramework.Interactive.ItemUseReturnA base return object for an item-use action
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI2.IUI2ControlTop level UI2 control
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI2.IUI2ScreenTop level ui2 control
 Cpluginbase.Objects.UI2.IUI2WidgetA widget in the UI2 control
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Game.IUserReprents a user in the game. Not necessarily an entity. More relatively to a network connection
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.IValidatedNetSyncableAn interface that describes a syncable that has the ability to be validated and allows for validator attributes
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.IValidator< in in T >Interface for syncable objects that can have a validator attached to them
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.IValidator< Vector3 >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.World.Generators.IWorldModifierRepresents a class that will modify the structure of the world generator
 Cpluginbase.Objects.WorldObjects.IWorldObjectA client-only world object
 Cpluginbase.Objects.WorldObjects.IWorldObjectManagerManages client-only meshes created in the world
 Cpluginbase.Objects.World.IWorldReadonlyBlockAn immutable block-coord tuple returned by the world
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.ManagedEvent< TDelegate >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.ManagedEvent< Action< essentials.Systems.Triggers.ITrigger > >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.ManagedEvent< Action< pluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.WeakDelegate< TDelegate > > >
 Cessentials.Prefabs.Interop.MCBlockMapA class that maps an external block id to an empeld block id
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Computative.MExtMath extensions
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.MutableSync< essentials.action.ItemFramework.IItem >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Particles.ParticleA particle of a particle system
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.PluginDependenciesManages dependencies for a plugin
 Cpluginbase.Dependencies.PluginDependencyExtensionsPlugin dependency extensions. Included to maintain backwards compatibility
 Cessentials.Prefabs.PrefabBlockA data object representing a block
 Cessentials.Prefabs.PrefabConstructorA helper object that will keep a list of blocks to-be-constructed in the world
 Cessentials.Prefabs.PrefabGeneratorHelper class to place an arbitrary set of blocks with positions, and generate a prefab
 Cessentials.Prefabs.PrefabInstanceAn object that represents an in-world instance of a prefab
 Cessentials.Prefabs.Previewing.PrefabPreviewBuilderClass to build a mesh that is a rough drawing of a prefab Used for preview-rendering
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Computative.RandConvenience methods for random number generation
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Geometry.RayA 3d Ray
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Data.RgbaClass the represents a floating-point color of red, green, blue, and alpha
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Coords.Rotation2Rotation XZ; In radians
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Coords.Rotation2dRotation XZ; In radians
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Rpc.RpcTargetClass that specifies the target of an RPC class
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Tasks.SchedulerExtensionsAdds various helper extension methods to the scheduler
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Geometry.SegmentA line segment
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.SmoothSync< Rotation2d >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.SmoothSync< Vector3d >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< bool >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< float >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< int >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< long >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< Mode >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< Rotation2d >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< string >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< uint?>
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< ushort >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< Vector3d >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.Watchers.Sync< Vector3i >
 CSyncableBase< ArraySync< T >>
 CSyncableBase< ListSync< T >>
 CSyncableBase< MutableSync< T >>
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.SyncableBase< SyncableObject >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.SyncableBase< TBase >
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Tasks.TaskObjectExtensionsHelper methods for binding task methods on objects by TaskAttribute
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Tasks.TweenHelper class to create tweaning tasks that run over time
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Collections.TypeCache< TKey, TVal >
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.BinaryCodecs.TypeCodecDefines how to encode and decode a type
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Syncable.TypeSerializerSpecial type serializer that will work with plugins
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.UniqueClassIdsAssociated a unique integer ID with a class type for faster lookups The unique Id are stored in the app domain using a static tempalte IMPORTANT: Unique class id's are not the same across the network or between loads
 CValidatedSyncableBase< T, Sync< T >>
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Computative.ValuePoint3DBase class to build a system of complex, deferred, equations Mostly to help with construction of worlds
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Coords.VectorIteratorsA class of helpers that iterate through vector-space
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Data.Versioned< T >
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Computative.VExtVector math extensions
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.Geometry.VoxelsHelper class to work with Voxels
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.WeakDelegateCode generator for weak delegate wrappers
 Cpluginbase.Objects.Libs.Events.WeakDelegate< TDelegate >Class that wraps itself around and decorates a weak delegate
 Cpluginbase.Helpers.WeakReferenceExt< pluginbase.Objects.UI.IBuiControl >
 Cessentials.Prefabs.WorldExtensionsExtension methods to help manage prefabs
 Cessentials.action.Pathing.WorldPathingWorld pathing is a helper class to assist in using the pathing job to figure out how to get from point a to point b